Peace Sells . . . but Who's Buying - Megadeth

By: Jon Craven (
For questions, comments, feedback, an outline of the timing, write the above

  -Played with a pick.

(4/4)(138 bpm, changes noted)
Tuned a quarter step down

> Usually on most megadeth records they did tune their guitars slighty down,
> but not a complete half step.

h - hammer-on
R - quarter rest
* - note held for an eighth beat
r - eighth rest
/ - slide up
|-R-| - rest for one measure



Verse 1 (fill 1): (x4)(0:14)

Chorus: (0:41)


Fill 1
Verse (x4)

Bridge: (x2)(1:37)

Solo 1: (x3)(1:51)




Fill 2: (2:15)(changes to 155 bpm)


Bridge 2: (2:23)


Verse 2: (2:36)




Solo 2 (outro pt.1): (x2)(3:00)

Outro pt.1 (x6)

Outro pt.2: (3:37)




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